Behind Solent's towering success
Solent Capital Partners has won plaudits - and investors - for managing collateralised debt obligations, and also for its credit-based hedge fund product, reports Solomon Teague
A new twist
Idiosyncratic risk in 2007
The Fiduciary feeling
Investment management
Creating the LDI infrastructure
UK pensions
The strategic option
Practitioner profile
Software Survey 2007
Software survey 2007
CEIOPS publishes 2007 work programme
Busy year ahead for CEIOPS
Gas storage parking lot full
More US natural gas storage is needed if price spikes are to be alleviated in the coming months experts believe, but construction interest is limited, finds David Watkins
Dealing with a volatile gas market
Eric Fishhaut explores the current state of volatility within the US natural gas market and outlines how hedging with 'strips' can be used to secure long-term prices that are variable, but known
Passport for pensions
BT considers hedging
Regaining control
Buying in bulk