A creditable spread
Pensions before dividends, UK regulator orders
The UK Pensions Regulator has warned companies they should not continue paying shareholder dividends at the expense of their pension schemes.
Column: Nick Chamie
A huge rise in the funding needs of developed nations will hurt emerging markets
Insurance debt: Don't take a tumble
Holders of bonds from the insurance sector should prepare themselves for a rough ride in 2009. Lingering concerns over the exposure of certain names to toxic structured credit assets and the difficulty of raising more debt in the current environment are…
Risk-free isn't what it used to be
Editor's letter
Software Survey 2009
Software Survey 2009
Headed for a fall
Annuities and deflation
Pricing and hedging of variable annuities
Technical papers
Collateral damage
Securities Lending
Rife insurance
Perfect storm
The fall in equity prices, combined with a sharp drop in bond yields, has decimated the funding positions of pension schemes across the globe. With many companies tottering under the weight of ballooning pension deficits, could this be the spark for the…
Tarp runs out at last
Funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (Tarp) have finally been exhausted, following three months of capital injections and loan facilities extended to a variety of institutions.
Benefit over the long term
Sponsored Round Table
Model selection for loss reserves: The Growing Triangle technique
Technical papers
Ready for reform
Italian Pensions
Die Lehren aus der Katastrophe
Beruhigend teuer
UK pensions fell further into deficit in November
UK defined-benefit pension schemes are now £136 billion in deficit as of the end of last month, significantly worse than the £97.3 billion deficit at the end of October.