CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suisse
Is the EU ETS working?
The EU's emissions trading scheme has created a massive oversupply of allowances for its first phase. Kjetil Røine and Henrik Hasselknippe ask whether the scheme is causing emissions reductions, whether there will be a sufficient shortage in Phase II and…
Back to basics: Shari’ah principles
We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask ... Khalid Howladar, chairman of the Middle East co-ordination committee at Moody's in London, runs through the Shari'ah principles that…
From small acorns...
In the third of a series, Eric Holmquist considers some practical steps to building a better risk culture
Market snapshot
Tim Mortimer of Future Value Consultants looks at pricing issues of structured products in different markets and provides his trade of the month
CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suisse
Impact of ethanol
Increased demand for ethanol in the US has led to predictions that biofuels will have a 30% share of global energy demand by 2030, writes Eric Fishhaut
Back to Basics
We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask ... Markit Group analysts Gavan Nolan, based in London, and Kiet Tran, based in New York, explain how the ABX index works
Market snapshot
Market analysis
CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suisse
Spreading opportunities
Volatile European gasoil and US heating oil prices mean traders must follow inventory and temperature forecasts carefully to stay on the right side of moves in outright and spread values, writes Logical Information Machine's energy analyst Daven Voorhies
Market snapshot
Market analysis
CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suiss
Back to basics: the cash CDS basis
We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask... Moorad Choudhry, head of treasury at KBC Financial Products in London, discusses the credit default swap basis
Event horizon
Rick Cech takes a second look at what makes up operational risk event types, and asks if there is a more advanced way to define them
Market snapshot
Market analysis
CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suiss
Dealing with a volatile gas market
Eric Fishhaut explores the current state of volatility within the US natural gas market and outlines how hedging with 'strips' can be used to secure long-term prices that are variable, but known
Market snapshot
Market analysis
CS indicative market data
Data by Credit Suiss
The cruellest month
The impacts stemming from volatility in natural gas futures contract spreads – in particular the effects of seasonality on the March-April spread – have been seen in the recent dramatic losses by major hedge funds. Daven Voorhies explores some of the…
Back to Basics
We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask ... Ralf Preusser, European rates strategist at Deutsche Bank in London, explains how covered bonds work
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