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Sponsored feature: LexisNexis
Unearthing the value in Fatca
Sponsored webinar: MetricStream
KRIs best practice – Collecting, aggregating and managing
Sponsored survey analysis: Detica NetReveal
Financial Crime Survey 2012
White paper: How to use compliance as a competitive advantage in banking
We're at a critical turning point for risk, finance and compliance functions in the banking sector. Faced with the dual pressure of increased regulatory activity and ongoing economic pressures, organisations are looking to transform the role of these…
Sponsored feature: Northern Trust
Enhancing investment efficiencies via tax-transparent funds
Collateral Management Survey 2012: insurers unprepared for OTC cleared regime
The move to central clearing of OTC derivatives trades will have a dramatic impact on the insurance industry’s use of collateral. A survey, conducted by Insurance Risk in conjunction with BNY Mellon, finds many insurers have yet to assess fully the…
Sponsored educational feature: UBS Delta
Next-generation credit curves
Sponsored statement: IBM
Advanced simulation techniques to address the inflation challenge and gold-based investments
Sponsored webinar: BNP Paribas
The evolution of commodity indices
Sponsored Q&A: Thomson Reuters
Tackling the task
Sponsored feature: Thomson Reuters
The UK/US IGA and passthru payments – What is attributable?
Corporate statement: UniCredit
Clear tendencies in the German derivatives market
Sponsored video: Regulatory impact on collateral
New regulation will require more derivatives participants to post more collateral than ever before. In this video interview, David Little of Calypso discusses some of the implications
Sponsored webinar: Future-proofing your Fatca investment
Maintaining momentum in the compliance quest
Sponsored video – OIS discounting for derivatives
Calypso’s David Kelly talks about some of the challenges posed by the OIS discounting of derivatives transactions
Sponsored Q&A: Prime Capital
Tailored hedge fund investment solutions
Sponsored feature: Jersey Finance
Jersey – focused on providing stability and flexibility to the hedge fund community
Sponsored feature: Microsoft and Derivitec
Impact of the cloud on the hedge fund industry
White paper: How Using The Right Index Can Expand Opportunities In European Markets
Prior to 2012 there was a gap in investable products covering the European small-cap, midcap, and SMID-cap market segments. Anecdotally, hedges against these segments were often created with products based upon liquid large cap indexes. Given the mega…
White paper: The New Challenges of Regulatory Reports and Data Lineage
There is a new regulatory focus on the quality of risk and regulatory reporting – but not just on the finished result. Executives now must be able to attest to the figures and demonstrate that report producing processes are robust. Learn how these new…
Sponsored feature: RBS
Hedging the Zinszusatzreserve for German insurance companies
Scotiabank: Enabling real-time credit analysis
Content provided by IBM
White paper: Setting the Stage for FATCA Compliance
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act stands to transform the global tax framework and how financial institutions track and report on their clients’ financial assets. With the law slated to come into effect in 2013, its implications and how financial…
Webinar: Taking control of workflow for effective risk governance
By harnessing workflow insurers can develop a more robust enterprise-wide risk management framework. This webinar, in conjunction with Second Floor, brings together industry experts to examine how to achieve this