Technical paper/Vix
Forecasting the Volatility Index with a realized measure, volatility components and dynamic jumps
The authors put forward the REGARCH-2C-Jump model to forecast VIX, with results suggesting that this model can outperform other models in VIX forecasting.
Enhanced expected impact cost model under abnormally high volatility
The authors extend their impact cost model beyond the typical factors to address the larger transaction costs brought on by stock market crowding effects in times of market turbulence.
Deep calibration of rough volatility models
Rough vol models are calibrated and fitted to SPX and Vix smiles
Multilevel Monte Carlo simulation for VIX options in the rough Bergomi model
The authors consider the pricing of the Chicago Board options Exchange VIX, demonstrating experiments highlighting the efficiency of a multilevel approach in pricing of VIX options.
Future portfolio returns and the VIX term structure
The authors use a measure that captures the expected evolution of risk and generate results supportive of the concept that there are multiple facets within volatility risk that are priced individually.
Optimal transport for model calibration
Volatility models and SPX/VIX joint dynamics are calibrated using optimal transport theory
Forecasting volatility and market returns using the CBOE Volatility Index and its options
This paper examines the CBOE VIX, the VIX options’ implied volatility and the smirks associated with these options.
Using equity, index and commodity options to obtain forward-looking measures of equity and commodity betas and idiosyncratic variance
This paper presents a means to extract forward-looking measures of equity and commodity betas, and idiosyncratic variance.
The quadratic rough Heston model and the joint S&P 500/Vix smile calibration problem
A combination of rough volatility and price-feedback effect allows for SPX-Vix joint calibration
The joint S&P 500/Vix smile calibration puzzle solved
SPX and Vix derivatives are modelled jointly in an arbitrage-free setting
Reflections on recent volatility
This paper deals with the unprecedented equity volatility in the second week of February 2018. The paper recaps the week, places the market movement in a historical context, discusses how some traders and funds were affected and offers a few guesses as…
Statistics of VIX futures and their applications to trading volatility exchange-traded products
In this paper, the authors study the dynamics of Chicago Board Options Exchange volatility index (VIX) futures and exchange-traded notes (ETNs)/exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Smile dynamics III
In two articles published in 2004 and 2005 in Risk, Lorenzo Bergomi assessed the structural limitations of existing models for equity derivatives and introduced a new model based on the direct modelling of the joint dynamics of the spot and the implied…
Smile dynamics III
In two articles published in 2004 and 2005 in Risk, Lorenzo Bergomi assessed the structural limitations of existing models for equity derivatives and introduced a new model based on the direct modelling of the joint dynamics of the spot and the implied…
Vix option pricing in a jump-diffusion model
Artur Sepp discusses Vix futures and options and shows that their market prices exhibit positive volatility skew. To better model the market behaviour of the S&P 500 index and its associated volatility skew, he introduces the stochastic dynamics of the…
Calibrating and pricing with local volatility models
Cutting edge - Option pricing
Calibrating and pricing with embedded local volatility models
Consistently fitting vanilla option surfaces when pricing volatility derivatives such as Vix options or interest rate/equity hybrids is an important issue. Here, Yong Ren, Dilip Madan and Michael Qian Qian show how this can be accomplished, using a…
Realised volatility and variance: options via swaps
Peter Carr and Roger Lee present explicit and readily applicable formulas for valuing options on realised variance and volatility. They use variance and volatility swaps - or alternatively vanilla options - as pricing benchmarks and hedging instruments…
Realised volatility and variance: options via swaps
Volatility Options