Technical paper/Investment strategies
Delving into the investment psyche: investigating the determinants influencing individual investors’ decision-making
The authors investigate five cognitive biases and how they impact investment decisions, using data from 400 investors to determine which factors are significant factors in the making of investment decisions.
Optimal time-consistent reinsurance and investment strategies for multiple dependent types of insurance business and a unified investment framework
Getting more for less: better A / B testing via causal regularisation
Uncovering the hidden impact: noninvestor disagreement and its role in asset pricing
A novel derivation and interpretation of the Kelly criterion
The authors apply an information-theoretical argument to a Bernoulli process to find least biased investment strategy consistent with expected exponential growth.
Does reinvesting payouts in plain vanilla exchange-traded funds enhance household portfolio performance?
This study analyzes whether reinvesting payouts in exchange-traded funds that replicate broad and internationally diversified market indexes enhances households’ portfolio performance after transaction costs.
Performance attribution for multifactorial equity portfolios
This paper revisits the cross-sectional approach to the performance analysis of multifactor investment strategies.
A practitioner’s view of the long-term and recent performance of multifactor investment strategies
In this paper the author studies the performance of factor investment strategies from a practitioner’s point of view.
Strong-hand conjecture: agent-based numerical simulation
Following the example of the Kim–Markowitz model, this study adopts similar mechanisms of market operation to perform computer simulations based on agent modeling on the financial market, where shares of one company and a bank account are available …
Corporate equity performance and changes in firm characteristics
The authors' findings affirm prior work illustrating the importance of profitability, size, liquidity, momentum and market returns, although we observe minimal evidence of the importance of investment in capital expenditures.
What drives the January seasonality in the illiquidity premium? Evidence from international stock markets
This study is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first attempt to comprehensively examine and explain the January effect in the illiquidity premium.
Uncertain risk parity
This paper treats covariance as uncertain in order to find a risk parity weighting that does not count on perfectly optimized hedges and is robust to changes in regime.
Quant investing in cluster portfolios
This paper discusses portfolio construction for investing in N given assets, eg, constituents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or large cap stocks, based on partitioning the investment universe into clusters.
Portfolio allocation based on expected profit and loss measures
The authors formulate the portfolio allocation problem from a trading point of view, allowing both long and short positions and taking trading and interest rate costs into account.
The price of Bitcoin: GARCH evidence from high-frequency data
This is the first paper that estimates the price determinants of Bitcoin in a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) framework using high-frequency data.
The price of liquidity in the reinsurance of fund returns
The authors consider a new type of contract for insuring the returns of hedge funds and aim to extend downside protection to an investment portfolio beyond the first tranche of losses insured by first-loss fee structures, which have become increasingly…
Sign prediction and sign regression
This paper proposes an approach whereby the loss function regularizes the errors in prediction in different ways.
Realized profits on the Stationary Offshore Ocean Economy: an analysis
This paper analyzes the recent financial performance of the publicly traded companies that employ stationary structures on the open ocean using a comprehensive Thomson Reuters Eikon search.
What’s so special about time series momentum?
We find that the buy-and-hold (B&H) strategy for the S&P 500 index (^GSPC) for January 1950–April 2019 had a significantly higher return than that produced by time series momentum (TSM). However, TSM was superior in terms of the Sharpe ratio due to its…
Strangle to resuscitate: evidence from India
This study examines the performance of two strangle strategies at different legs to find the best strategy for consistent profit generation when trading on the Indian stock market index Nifty.
Smaller drawdowns, higher average and risk-adjusted returns for equity portfolios, using options and power-log optimization based on a behavioral model of investor preferences
The authors use a power-log utility optimization algorithm based on a behavioral model of investor preferences, along with either a call or a put option overlay, to reverse the negative skewness of monthly Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) index returns…
Eigenportfolios of US equities for the exponential correlation model
In this paper, the eigendecomposition of a Toeplitz matrix populated by an exponential function in order to model empirical correlations of US equity returns is investigated.
Optimal dynamic strategies on Gaussian returns
It is hoped that this paper will form a foundational approach to the study of dynamic strategies and how to optimize them. We make efforts to understand their properties without claiming to understand why they work (ie, why there are stable…
Is trading indicator performance robust? Evidence from scenario building
This paper challenges widely applied trading indicators with regard to their ability to generate a robust performance.