Resolution regimes
Big banks could be sidelined from future rescue deals – FSB
Exacerbation of too-big-to-fail means G-Sibs could already be too large to take extra assets
Bank of China issuance not ‘sufficient’ to cover TLAC needs
Announced issuance still only a fraction of total bail-in debt needs for Chinese G-Sibs
Citi, JP Morgan bail-in buffers ebb above minimums
Duo’s long-term debt headroom closest to regulatory requirements among top US banks
Review of 2023: a hard road to a soft landing
Banks and regulators were caught in the crosswinds of the fight against inflation
Resolution liquidity rules set to squeeze US regional banks
Pressure to hold more high-quality liquid assets will eat into net interest margins
New UK clearing rules: same as the old rules?
Clearing experts doubt UK regulation can diverge significantly from Emir and global standards
FSB warned not to overfill its planned CCP resolution toolbox
Network contagion could make cash calls systemically risky, but TLAC also controversial
Ally says only a third of long-term debt qualifies for Fed bail-in rule
Bank holding company would face shortfall of $3.5 billion of debt under new standards
Wells Fargo has thinnest TLAC headroom globally
Bail-in funds sat 8% above required amount at end-June, smallest gap among the 25 banks subject to the standard
SRB head asks for extra tools to restore faith in resolution
Laboureix disputes Swiss claim that G-Sibs are not resolvable, but wants improvements to framework
EU deposit guarantee plan won’t hike moral hazard, says SRB chief
But Laboureix warns risks to national safety nets will increase without a eurozone-wide scheme
Lessons on bank resolution, from Silicon Valley to Zurich
After the chaos of SVB and Credit Suisse, is First Republic a model for future bank rescues?
Investor wish-list offers no quick fix for Swiss CoCos
Some want bond doc overhaul to clarify bail-in risk, but sovereigns can always change the rules
Work needed on China financial reforms, says Liu Mingkang
Asia Risk 25: ex-head of China’s banking watchdog urges “rigorous” changes as country opens up to foreign investors
JP Morgan borrowed $240bn in fed funds and repo markets in Q3
Average quarterly balance was 30% up year-on-year
To be resolved: inside banks’ ‘living wills’
Non-bank units and service providers make up large share of groups’ critical functions
Single Resolution Fund fees jump at most large EU banks
Contributions fall for Deutsche Bank and Societe Generale
Buy-siders eye ways to get ahead of US resolution stay rules
Come July 1, asset managers will be unable to dump derivatives as a G-Sib is unwound. Lawyers are standing by
FBOs get smaller, simpler and easier to resolve
Foreign bank IHCs have shrunk between 16% and 41% since Q3 2016
Too-big-to-fail resolution regimes found wanting
Fourteen of 24 member countries do not have bail-in powers
Brexit OTC mutation, chaperones and SA-CCR
The week on, October 6–12, 2018