Valley National cuts CRE exposure amid charge-offs and loan sales
Exposures fall to 362% of total capital, but portfolio keeps deteriorating
HSBC’s China CRE provisions surge to cover one-fourth of book
Additional reserves and reduced exposure elevate ECL coverage for mainland portfolio
Physical climate risk threatens 15% of EU banks’ property loans
Erste, Helaba, BPCE most exposed to chronic and acute risks linked to climate change
UBS Americas’ delinquent mortgages up sixfold post Credit Suisse merger
Share of delinquent exposures jumps to 1.2% of bank’s total real estate loan portfolio
Valley National cuts CRE concentration after balance sheet tweak
Reassessment of nursing-home loans as ‘owner-occupied’ brings CRE-to-capital benchmark down 24 percentage points in Q2
One-tenth of US banks exceed CRE concentration thresholds
US supervisors face operational challenge with constellation of 536 lenders above risk benchmarks at end-2023
BofA, PNC lead Q1 rise in non-performing CRE loans
Commercial real estate write-offs also increased, driven by office loans
Smaller US banks hold over half of CRE loans
Lenders under $50bn in assets reported record $1.7 trillion of exposures at end-2023
A guide to home equity investments: the untapped real estate asset class
This report covers the investment opportunity in untapped home equity and the growth of HEIs, and outlines why the current macroeconomic environment presents a unique inflection point for credit-oriented investors to invest in HEIs
First Citizens’ high-volatility CRE loans doubled last year
Rise in 150%-weighted class of exposures largest among 260 US lenders
At some US regionals, CRE loans eclipse tangible equity by up to 7x
Valley National, NYCB and First Foundation the most levered in a sample of 30 banks
Soured CRE loans pile up at BofA, Wells Fargo and PNC
Proportion of non-performing loans surges past the pandemic’s worst stretches
CRE books at Goldman, Morgan Stanley most laden with provisions
Duo increased allowance coverage fastest among top US banks since September 2022
Exchange rate risk management for contractors within a hybrid payment scheme: a case study in Punta del Este, Uruguay
The author proposes methods for how contractors may attempt to mitigate exchange rate risks in hybrid payment systems and validates these with empirical data from a hypothetical project.
Bankers say CRE market on safe ground – for now
Risk Live: But higher rates may threaten weaker properties
Bank of the West sale lops 13% off BNP Paribas’s CRE exposure
Disposal of US lender included €11.1bn in loans to creaky sector
Nordea marks down Danish mortgages by €29 million
House price declines mark ominous signal for other supercharged markets
Some euro banks modelled lower mortgage risk in H1
Italian and Belgian lenders reported steepest drops in risk density despite recessionary threat
China Merchants’ real estate NPLs double in H1
Some 3% of property development loans were non-performing, double the end-2021 level
Aon chief executive Greg Case: resilience protects, but it also promotes growth
As chief executive of a company whose raison d’être is helping firms make better decisions, Greg Case has wide-ranging knowledge and a nuanced perspective to share on resilience and its importance in volatile times
Two Sigma building quant tools to hunt real estate bargains
Information-rich market offers “trillions of dollars of opportunity”, says data chief