Capital ratio
Basel uniformity fades as members defy dress code
Rule-makers diverge from Basel III standards, denting aims of comparability and fuelling fears over fair competition
TD Bank’s op risk charges spike amid anti-money laundering probe
Record-high RWAs push bank’s core ratio to its lowest in four years
Fed hikes stress capital buffers for 18 US banks
Nine dealers face record-high SCBs as poor performance in latest DFAST weighs on capital requirements
Progress on US banks’ EVE transparency grinds to a halt
No additional disclosures of key metric linked to SVB collapse in latest round of public filings
Nomura’s market risk jumps ¥800bn in Q2
Yen depreciation and rising default risk drive RWAs to record high
Four EU banks forecast capital hits from final Basel III reforms
BNP Paribas only dealer to disclose hit from FRTB
US banks’ stress test accuracy worsens in DFAST 2024
Gap between Fed’s and large dealers’ projections widens to six-year high
US banks’ performance in latest DFAST worst in six years
Fed blames higher credit card delinquencies, riskier corporate lending and lower revenue
DB USA’s stress test estimate deviates from Fed’s by record amount
US unit of German bank underestimated capital and leverage hit in latest DFAST
DFAST 2024: IHCs outperform US banks despite steeper CET1 ratio decline
US subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank, UBS and RBC lead intermediate holding companies in biggest capital requirement drops
HSBC North America breached leverage ratio minimum in latest DFAST
Ratio of UK bank’s US subsidiary ended stress test 20 basis points below regulatory threshold
Eleven banks fall below buffer requirements in latest DFAST
Goldman Sachs worst performer among 31 participating banks, with 450bp gap between stressed CET1 ratio and all-in capital requirements
New real estate model adds €14bn to Rabobank RWAs
CET1 ratio down 1.2pp as capital stays flat
Norinchukin’s paper losses double to record high
Latest AOCI fluctuation knocks 29% off CET1 capital
ABN Amro takes €1.7bn RWA add-on from credit models rejig
Just over 40% of credit risk RWAs still calculated under the A-IRB approach, down from 90% two years ago
Loss of ruble volatility waiver costs UniCredit €2.2bn in RWAs
Lender forced to capitalise FX risk from Russian operations after ECB withdraws key exemption
KBC takes €8.2bn RWA add-on post ECB model review
Regulatory intervention and share buyback contribute to sink bank’s core ratio to lowest point since 2016
Filling the gaps in Basel’s interest rate risk measures
Reverse stress-testing or VAR may work better than existing outlier tests, but are hard to manage
Adjusted for AOCI, ratios at five regional banks fall short
Impact of reinclusion on CET1 capital ratio would trip up Truist, Ally and others
State Street suffers largest loss from securities sale since 2010
$294 million hit drives net income down 45% to six-year low
JP Morgan, BofA say Basel III plan could wipe out capital cushion
Banks forecast $82 billion cumulative hike in capital requirements from Fed proposals