Technology and Data

Advances in technology and data are transforming every facet of the capital markets. From banks deploying sophisticated analytics to better model capital exposures, or leveraging cloud technology to scale stress-testing capabilities and build new risk applications. To asset managers sifting alternative data to gain competitive insight or using intelligent algorithms to activate trading strategies in milliseconds,’s coverage explores the potential and limitations of new technologies such as AI, machine learning and blockchain, and the challenges for regulators in keeping pace with cutting-edge innovation.

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Ultra-low latency trading: how low can you go?

In the world of high-frequency trading, nanoseconds gained in trade execution can mean the difference between success and failure. AMD discusses the technological advances that are taking high-frequency trading to new lows – known as ultra-low latency…

Direct feeds: life in the fast lane

Financial services firms are consuming more data than ever to drive a number of front- and middle-office use cases, including algo, proprietary and HFT, market-making functions and backtesting trading strategies

The changing shape of risk

S&P Global Market Intelligence’s head of credit and risk solutions reveals how firms are adjusting their strategies and capabilities to embrace a more holistic view of risk

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