Clients’ share of IRS clearing margin hit record high
Data from CME, Eurex and LCH shows clearing members’ house IM fell in January, pushing client proportion to 67.7%
Estimated stressed losses rise at OCC, LCH and JSCC
New stress scenario boosts worst-case loss at Options Clearing Corporation by half
Initial margin requirements hit record highs at major CCPs
Tumultuous third quarter sees $94bn surge across 14 CCPs
SGX suffered five-hour op failure from CrowdStrike outage
First major service disruption at CCP’s Central Depository service in nine years
Margin breaches skyrocket at JSCC amid market volatility
August turmoil led to record initial margin shortfalls at six clearing divisions
Options expiry triggers $4bn liquidity shortfall at NSCC
Second-largest simulated shortfall on record mitigated by extra liquidity deposit and OCC commitment
CCPs’ skin in the game drops to historic low
Clearing members bear increasing load, analysis of 15 clearing houses shows
EquityClear’s IM concentration hits record high
Membership dwindles as LCH SA continues to wind down service
ASX member paid record $154m to cover dues in Q2
Single-member largest payment obligation beat 2015’s high by 40.8%
IM requirements at LCH ForexClear hit record high in Q2
Latest figures show a 32% increase quarter on quarter to $10.7bn
SGX-DC’s prefunded resources short of stressed losses 37 days in Q2
Latest round of shorftalls linked to double-member default lay bare lack of Cover 2 requirement
Estimated stress losses at CME, Eurex and LCH surge to record high
Latest projections likely behind increases in contributions to CCPs’ default funds in Q2
Six CCPs fail to cover concentration risk in Esma stress test
Largest shortfalls modelled in commodity derivatives segment, led by Ice Clear Europe ECC
DCOs show resilience beyond key default thresholds – CFTC
Reverse stress test reveals clearing houses remain resilient under low to moderate market shocks
CCPs vulnerable from reverse repo investments – Esma
European watchdog flags risks of uncovered exposure during liquidity stress event
Ice Europe’s liquid resources up 27% under new model
More comprehensive stress-testing model pushes highly marketable collateral to record high in Q1
Default funds at CME, JSCC and OCC grew to record levels in Q1
CCPs’ skin in the game fails to keep pace with member contributions
Open position concentration hits record high at top CCPs
LCH, Nasdaq and Eurex report biggest quarterly jumps among 16 clearing houses
JSCC’s initial margin soared as Japan’s stock market hit record high
Higher demand for exchange-traded products pushed requirements up in Q1
JSCC, ASX see hypothetical stress loss breaches in Q1
Single-member default in worst-case scenario would have exceeded available resources
Liquidity risk hits five-year high at LCH
Higher settlement obligations at Paris-based RepoClear blamed for €9bn spike