South Korea
Autocall curbs hit long-dated Nikkei and HSCEI options
Collapsing Asia structured products inventory saps market-makers of long-dated vol supply
Korea FX reforms expected to drive e-trading surge
Dealers say opening onshore FX market to foreign firms will push trading onto platforms
Regulatory crackdown puts Korea autocalls in deep freeze
Mis-selling fears see distributors pull back, leading to 40% issuance fall in a month
Shinhan, Kookmin set aside record reserves amid real estate worries
Kookmin provisions account for 38% of income; 23% for Shinhan
Op risk data: US piqued by Pictet tax breach
Also: US Bank’s Covid failings; South Korea’s short-selling clampdown. Data by ORX News
Banks rush to register as Korean onshore FX market opens up
Central bank eases licensing requirements as institutions look to capitalise on deliverable trades
First Korean issuer joins Hong Kong warrants market
Kisa anticipates warrant and autocallable hedging synergies
Korea’s ‘worst-of’ times are here to stay
Chinese houses’ success in Korean autocalls could stymie hopes of diversifying the product mix
Foreign banks set to boost onshore Korean won trading
Plans for longer trading hours and more open interbank FX market will stoke KRW hedging demand
FSS sounds alarm as $800m of Korean autocalls slip into red
Regulator calls for vigilance as HSCEI products trade through knock-in levels during third quarter
Cross-border risk dominates 2022 G-Sib scores
Overseas lending and borrowing largest contributor to scores of banks in Canada, EU, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland and UK
Hong Kong, India, Turkey lag behind on Basel III framework
Only Canada, Japan and Saudi Arabia ready for full implementation as January deadline approaches
Derivatives house of the year, Asia ex-Japan: Societe Generale
Asia Risk Awards 2022
Best structured product support system: Murex
Asia Risk Awards 2022
Sanctions threaten top pension funds’ Russia assets
Top global pension funds might dump Moscow-linked holdings in response to Ukraine invasion
Three more issuers look to enter HK warrants market
Sources say Citic, KIS and Huatai preparing to launch warrants and CBBCs on HKEX
Neural networks show fewer false positives on bad loans – study
Machine learning method edges regression techniques in linking nonlinearities among delinquent borrowers
China, Turkey lead regulatory laggards on Basel III framework
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Japan and Korea made no progress at all since May 2020
Interest rate derivatives house of the year: Deutsche Bank
Asia Risk Awards 2021
New risk-free rate in Korea gets industry thumbs-up
Majority of 26-member benchmark panel back “credible” repo-based rate
Korea lifers set to increase hedging as accounting shake-up looms
Bond forwards likely to be favoured instrument, but interest rate swaps market could develop