Risk-weighted assets (RWAs)
Why the survival of internal models is vital for financial stability
Risk quants say stampede to standardised approaches heightens herding and systemic risks
Dutch banks see mortgage loans sour in Q4
ABN Amro’s stage 2 mortgage ratio hits highest level since Covid-19 pandemic
Annual update ratchets up op RWAs at European banks
DNB, RBI and Swedbank post double-digit RWA rises for second year running ahead of Basel III implementation
SEB’s RWAs hit record high on upcoming requirements
Add-on of Skr9 billion helps drive CET1 ratio to lowest since pandemic
EU banks show basic instinct for credit valuation adjustments
Simpler approach to CVA appeals even to some already using more complex models for counterparty risk
UBS blunts Basel III RWA impact, gains time for Credit Suisse integration
Bank secures valuable time to integrate legacy assets and prepare for forthcoming regulatory challenges
During Trump turbulence, value-at-risk may go pop
Trading risk models have been trained in quiet markets, and volatility is now looming
TD Bank’s annual op loss tab surges 144% amid AML settlement
US plea deal drives bank’s op RWAs to record C$120 billion
RBC’s CVA risk charges swell 42% in first year under FRTB
Bloating RWAs contrast with declines at peers employing new standardised approach
EU IMA users maintain edge in keeping risk charges compressed
Aggregate market RWAs increased slower in 12 months to June than at banks using SA only
Norinchukin’s market RWAs blow up 342% in Q3
Fierce increase under FRTB regime lops 117bp off bank’s CET1 ratio
Japanese G-Sibs see 9% surge in op risk charges
Rising profits drive record RWA growth under new Basel framework
Credit portfolio manager of the year: UniCredit
Risk Awards 2025: A focus on economic value-added prompted a rapid expansion of the bank’s synthetic risk transfer activity
Morgan Stanley’s CVA capital charges surge 42% in Q3
Jump in simple approach output drives RWAs to highest since 2020
ABC’s market RWAs soar amid Basel III shake-up
Chinese bank bucks trend with sharp market risk rise in Q3
Mizuho faces steepest capital squeeze from Basel floor
Fully floored RWAs would cut core capital ratio by 244bp, the sharpest drop among Japanese megabanks
Basel III slashes $78bn in RWAs from top Singapore banks
Credit and operational risk recalibrations fuel double-digit falls at DBS, OCBC and UOB
The wisdom of Oz? Why Australia is phasing out AT1s
Analysts think Australian banks will transition smoothly, but other countries unlikely to follow
Finma add-on drives UBS’s market RWAs to eight-year high
Swiss regulator adds $1.4bn to mitigate maturity mismatch risk within IRC
Commerzbank wager swells UniCredit’s modelled RWAs by 62.5%
Total return swaps on German shares inflate VAR and SVAR components
Russian loan liquidation lifts RBI’s risk density
Cash parked at sanctioned central bank carries higher capital requirements than original loans