Jump diffusion
How banks can avoid bad haircuts on hedge fund trades
HSBC quant makes case for looking at collateral and funding rates in concert
Solving the enigma of the volatility smiles
Has the problem of jointly calibrating the volatility smiles of the Vix and S&P 500 been solved?
CVA wrong-way risk: calibration using a quanto CDS basis
Tsz-Kin Chung and Jon Gregory calibrate wrong-way risk with the help of quanto CDS values
Hedging of options in the presence of jump clustering
This paper analyzes the efficiency of hedging strategies for stock options in the presence of jump clustering.
Importance sampling applied to Greeks for jump–diffusion models with stochastic volatility
In this paper, the authors develop a procedure to reduce the variance when numerically computing the Greeks obtained via Malliavin calculus for jump–diffusion models with stochastic volatility.
European option pricing under geometric Lévy processes with proportional transaction costs
This paper considers the problem of European option pricing in the presence of a proportional transaction cost when the price of the underlying follows a jump–diffusion process.
Optimal oil production under mean-reverting Lévy models with regime switching
This paper models the evolution of the oil price as a mean-reverting regime-switching jump–diffusion process.
Research on equity release mortgage risk diversification with financial innovation: reinsurance usage
This paper examines the risk diversification of ERMs via the reinsurance strategy.
Pricing crude oil options using Lévy processes
This paper employs the fractional fast Fourier transform to calibrate parameters in an optimization setup.
Efficient solution of backward jump-diffusion partial integro-differential equations with splitting and matrix exponentials
A unified approach for solving jump-diffusion partial integro differential equations is proposed.
Correlation skew via stochastic correlation and jumps
Valer Zetocha introduces a correlation model based on the Jacobi process with jumps
The stochastic-volatility, jump-diffusion optimal portfolio problem with jumps in returns and volatility
The risk-averse optimal portfolio problem is treated with consumption in continuous time for a stochastic jump-volatility-jump-diffusion (SJVJD) model for both the risky asset and the volatility.
Cutting edge introduction: perturbing the smile
Perturbing the smile