Capital floor
Why the survival of internal models is vital for financial stability
Risk quants say stampede to standardised approaches heightens herding and systemic risks
Looming US Basel endgame redraft sparks calls to save IRB
Experts say 20 years of data makes credit risk models more appropriate than standardised approach
Dutch banks see mortgage loans sour in Q4
ABN Amro’s stage 2 mortgage ratio hits highest level since Covid-19 pandemic
EBA to address double-counting caused by new capital floor
Existing EU capital add-ons for model risk would duplicate new Basel floor on internal models
Mizuho faces steepest capital squeeze from Basel floor
Fully floored RWAs would cut core capital ratio by 244bp, the sharpest drop among Japanese megabanks
Nordea’s credit RWAs surge €19bn as ECB approves new retail models
Revised risk-weightings for mortgages drive sharp rise in credit risk
Nine jurisdictions yet to finalise Basel III rules
Turkey and South Africa worst laggards, with no final drafts published
FDIC’s McKernan wants single capital stack in Basel III endgame
Rebuffing Barr’s offer of a partial rollback, Republican director also targets op risk framework
Running the numbers on Barr’s Basel III endgame revisions
Fed vice-chair’s plan to ease capital requirements for big banks still lacks critical details
ANZ takes A$20bn RWA add-on from capital floor
Charges linked to output floor adjustment rose sevenfold in the second quarter
Study finds just 10 banks plan to apply for FRTB models
Research provides extra insight on reasons for decline in internal models
Capital rules explain leverage craving in US bank risk transfers
Tougher requirements have led to conservative structuring and lower coupons
US dealers slam capital hit on clearing for unreal CVA risk
Fed would diverge from Basel standards by imposing CVA capital on client-cleared trades
Nordic banks’ RWAs rise $9bn on Swedish risk-weight floor rejig
Constraints on real-estate exposure modelling result in Pillar 2 charges moving to Pillar 1 requirements
EU banks set for 6.7% capital hike on output floor tweaks removal
Unwind of EU-specific transitional arrangements could suddenly inflate Tier 1 risk-based charges, EBA analysis suggests
Goldman most threatened by Fed’s rejig of modelled capital charges
End of credit risk modelling and scaling up of SCB’s role could tip six US banks below minimum requirements
The strange effect of US clampdown on FRTB models
Ban on internal models for trading book default risk could provide some banks with unexpected capital relief
Banks slam zombie floors in Basel endgame proposal
US regulators double down on capital floors despite clampdown on internal models
Norinchukin’s credit RWAs up 31% on early Basel III opt-in
Bank’s standardised charges surge 19-fold following overhaul of models’ scope and parameters
EU banks fear Brexit battle over FRTB internal models
Bank of England approach looks easier, but that may not make much difference to model uptake
Rabobank closes gap to Basel III after RWA top-ups
Mortgage floor, other model corrections bring forward reforms’ forecast impact