Foreword: Preparing for change: Notes from an asset management leader

Suni Harford

This book was written by domain experts, each operating within a corporate strategy. To understand this strategic imperative, we wanted to talk to an asset management leader with strong change experience. We were therefore grateful for the opportunity to interview Suni Harford, President of UBS Asset Management.

Why were we eager to interview Ms Harford? Her background, in working with asset managers at a leading investment bank, brings the best of the insider and outsider view. Being part of Citigroup, which effectively managed the transition to the new regulatory environment after the Great Recession, was an asset that helped her during all the changes at UBS Asset Management, including the move to digitalisation, changes in regulation and the development of sustainable investing, as well as navigating through the Covid-19 crisis. These are all key themes of this book.

Editors: To what extent has the Covid-19 crisis changed the asset management industry, or has it accelerated its transformation?

Suni Harford: The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated some of the transformation we were seeing pre-Covid. Advancements in both technology and regulation have been driving such

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