Big risk in Japan

RBS issued a one-year income product linked to five Japanese stocks in March 2008, paying 3% interest plus a variable capital repayment. Three of the stocks fell through their barriers, putting capital at risk and making for a capital return of only 39%

All in one -- Software rankings

Budgets are under pressure, and more and more firms are opting for a single platform provider for all their compliance software needs. Victoria Pennington looks at which companies they are turning to, and why

Bracing for Basel

When international banking supervisors met in Basel, Switzerland in 1999 to propose a new framework for capital adequacy, they set in motion the biggest shake-up of the decade as to how banks measure risk and allocate capital. The new proposals, called…

SAP launches new Basel II functions for mySAP Banking

German software services provider SAP said it is providing new functions for its mySAP Banking package to help banks meet the requirements of the risk-based Basel II capital Accord and new international accounting standards in the European Union (EU).

DePfa implement complete Basel II compliant risk manager

DePfa Bank has completed the implementation of the Kamakura Risk Manager suite having purchased the license in late 2001. The system is the first to completely integrate credit risk, market risk, asset and liability risks and meets the needs of Basel II.

SAP makes play for risk territory

German software giant SAP is making a firm move into the risk management industry with the further development of its range of industry solutions. The Waldorf-based firm has already developed credit and market risk components for the financial services…