European Central Counterparty Limited (EuroCCP)
How ‘open’ became ‘random’ in Mifir open access CCP rule
EU clearing monopolies endure as share trades are rarely cleared at end-users’ chosen CCP
Distributed ledger innovators imagine a world without CSDs
CSDs counter they fulfil functions blockchain cannot, and regulatory changes are needed to disintermediate them
Eurex head dubs CCP link-up fans 'liquidity have-nots'
Eurex and EuroCCP chief executives clash over merits of interoperability
New ways to combat clearing-house risks
Systemic risk in the clearing house
Each: CCPs seek safety in numbers
Each and everyone
Mitigating op risks for CCPs post-crisis
To the rescue
Central clearing - challenges and progress: part 2
Diana Chan, chief executive of EuroCCP, talks to Jessica Meek on interoperability in cash equities and OTC derivatives
Central clearing - challenges and progress: Part 1
EuroCCP's Diana Chan talks to Jessica Meek on the issues facing the clearing industry
European CCP group elects Eurex exec as new chair
Eurex's Marcus Zickwolff elected to chair European clearing house group
Review of 2011: collateral, capital and chaos
Collateral, capital and chaos
Industry split over CCPs' ability to face new risks
There is discord in the industry over whether CCPs will be able to deal with the risks of clearing OTC derivatives as mandated by new regulation
EMCF joins push for central clearing interoperability
All four Bats Europe and UBS MTF central counterparties now allow interoperability