China Development Bank
Op risk data: Glencore hauled over the coals in $1bn+ bribery probe
Also: Russian banks in fraud fails; Citi’s fat-finger fumble; devil’s in the data detail. Data by ORX News
BarCap: CDB link will yield commodity opportunities
The £1.5 billion stake taken in Barclays by the state-owned China Development Bank (CDB) will help spur the two banks’ expansion in Chinese commodity derivatives, according to Benoit de Vitry, Barclays Capital’s London-based global head of commodities,…
China banks launch RMB interest rate swap
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has started giving out approvals on a deal-by-deal basis for renminbi-denominated interest rate swaps, with the Bank of China the first to arrange a transaction for a client, while another transaction between China…