Impactful short duration: green bonds and yield curve strategies

Impactful short duration: green bonds and yield curve strategies

Rising rates and the growing importance of sustainability-oriented strategies have been at the forefront of the fixed income market this year. Investors’ focus on sustainable investing, including green bonds, has shown no signs of abating, despite the magnitude and speed of rate hikes.

At the same time, fixed income investors are tasked with navigating this high-rate environment. Typically, when rates rise, shorter-duration bonds perform better than their longer-duration counterparts. Against the backdrop of rising rates and increasing interest in impact finance, this white paper compares short, medium and long duration performance of EUR-denominated credit bonds and analyses how the performance of a green bond strategy (iBoxx Global Green Bonds Select (EUR Hedged) stacks up to the performance of the wider European credit market (iBoxx € Corporates).

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