Getting organised around operational resilience

Nita Kohli

Based on my experience and observation across the industry, senior leadership is increasingly embracing operational resilience as a core topic in discussions with the board and across the C-suite. This shift underscores the rapid maturation of operational resilience as a multidisciplinary effort. As organisations familiarise themselves with the constituent elements of the operational resilience framework, the inevitable query arises: where does one embark on this journey? Is operational resilience a newfound capability, or even an entirely novel function?

This chapter will examine the organisational structures that support operational resilience programmes, emphasising key principles to ensure effectiveness and alignment with overarching governance frameworks.

The initial stride for any organisation lies in comprehending the purview of operational resilience and subsequently identifying the key stakeholders. This perspective revolves around establishing a centralised function as a starting point, aiming to institute governance, a comprehensive framework, and vigilant oversight.

The centralised function should boast a clearly defined mandate, well-articulated objectives, and explicitly

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