Econometric Pitfalls in Stress Testing

Iftekhar Hasan, David Lynch and Akhtar Siddique

The use of econometric methods for stress testing has created significant challenges for econometricians. These challenges include issues such as multicollinearity, specification errors, identification issues and regime dependence, that get altered by stress testing. Additionally, the short data span and different objectives pose new problems. However, they have also inspired econometricians to develop innovative methodologies. This chapter reviews several elements of these challenges as well as ways that have been proposed to overcome them.


There are several reasons why stress tests pose challenges for traditional econometric methods. First, many of the problems that occur in traditional econometric applications recur in stress testing applications, often with a twist. These are multicollinearity, specification errors such as omitted variables bias, identification issues and regime dependence. Additional complications commonly arise from the application of the econometric models to stress-test applications where the independent variables are stressed.

The second set of issues arises from the characteristics of the data

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