Journal of Computational Finance
1460-1559 (print)
1755-2850 (online)
Editor-in-chief: Christoph Reisinger
Volume 14, Number 2 (December 2010)
Editor's Letter
Welcome to Volume 14, Issue 2 of The Journal of Computational Finance. This issue is made up of 4 technical papers: ‘Estimating Greeks in simulating Lévy-driven models' by Paul Glasserman and Liu Zongjian from Columbia University; ‘Fast valuation and calibration of credit default swaps under Lévy dynamics' by Fang Fang, Henrik Jönsson and Cornelis W. Oosterlee from the Delft University of Technology, and Wim Schoutens from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; ‘Generalized control variate methods for pricing Asian options' by Chaun-Hsiang from National Tsing-Hua University and Yongzeng Lai from Wilfrid Laurier University; ‘and ‘Potential future exposure calculations of multi-asset exotic products using the stochastic mesh method' by Leslie Ng, Dave Peterson and Andres Eulogio Rodriguez from QulC Financial Technologies.