Patrick de Fontnouvelle
Patrick de Fontnouvelle - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Patrick de Fontnouvelle is a Vice President in the Supervision, Regulation and Credit Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. As head of the Bank's Risk and Policy Analysis Unit, Mr. de Fontnouvelle's responsibilities include: risk modeling and capital assessment, economic research, accounting policy, Money Market Fund policy issues, and Basel II implementation.
He has had a longstanding interest in operational and reputational risks, and is currently undertaking research on banks' dividend policies during the recent financial crisis.
Previously, Mr. de Fontnouvelle held positions as a Financial Economist with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and with General Electric Corporation. He has also taught economics as an Assistant Professor at Iowa State University. Mr. de Fontnouvelle received his B.A. in mathematics from Princeton University, and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison
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