Insurance Risk - VOL 8/No. 5

Articles in this issue
Opinions divided on benefits of XBRL reporting standard for Solvency II
The language barrier
Insurers stress liquidity and lapse risk amid concern over interest rate spike
When surrender is an option
Another delay in Solvency II as EC proposes deferral of transposition date
Commission takes legal advice on Econ committee proposals
Q&A: Ann Muldoon, Friends Life, Solvency II programme director
Evolution, not revolution
The extrapolation conundrum
The extrapolation conundrum
The Solvency II timetable is a coiled spring under pressure
The Solvency II timetable is a coiled spring under pressure
Governments should support development of longevity risk market – IMF
Governments should support development of longevity risk market – IMF
Slow progress on Solvency II internal model validation threatens approval, FSA warns
Slow progress on Solvency II internal model validation threatens approval, FSA warns
Record Q1 for cat bonds as pension funds increase capacity
Record Q1 for cat bonds as pension funds increase capacity
Dutch regulator to begin Solvency II test on insurers
Dutch regulator to begin Solvency II test on insurers
Stress testing with fully flexible causal inputs
Stress testing with fully flexible causal inputs
Sponsored statement: Vanguard
The certainty of uncertainty: When not to jump