Yijiao Wang
Yijiao (Josephine) Wang is a PhD student at the Johns Hopkins University. Her research interests include Bayesian statistics, machine learning methods, linear programming, and renewable energy development. She received her master’s degree in Financial Mathematics from the Johns Hopkins University in 2018. Right after graduation, she worked as a predoctoral appointee in Argonne National Laboratory, the center for Energy, Environmental, and Economic System Analysis (CEEESA). During her time in the national laboratory, she contributed to the development of Agent-based Transportation Energy Assessment Model (ATEAM). In 2019, She came back to the Johns Hopkins University to pursue a doctoral degree in Environmental Health and Engineering and is currently working with professor Ben Hobbs on the Solar Forecasting project funded by DOE SETO office.
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Articles by Yijiao Wang
Optimal electricity distribution pricing under risk and high photovoltaics penetration
The authors model a hierarchical Stackelberg game in a competitive power market under high behind-the-meter photovoltaics penetration and demand-side uncertainty, with emphasis on the feedback loop between distributed generation via photovoltaics and…