Thiago Christiano Silva
Central Bank of Brazil
Thiago Christiano Silva received the B.E. degree (with first place Honors) in Computer Engineering (2009) and the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (2012) both within the same university. He was the recipient of three distinctive awards due to his thesis. He completed a one-year postdoctoral research in machine learning and complex networks in the University of São Paulo in 2014. His book "Machine Learning in Complex Networks" has been published by Springer. Since 2011, he works as a researcher at the Central Bank of Brazil, Brasília. He has published papers both in the Machine Learning literature - such as in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Information Sciences, Neural Networks, among others - and in the Finance literature - such as in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Emerging Markets Review and others. His research interests include machine learning, complex networks, financial stability, systemic risk, and banking.
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Articles by Thiago Christiano Silva
Financial networks and bank liquidity
This papers is the first to link bank liquidity performance and core–periphery network structures.