Sunita Mall
Sunita Mall is an Assistnat. Professor (statistics and Data analysis) in MICA The school of Ideas, Ahmedabad, India. She did her M.Phil and PhD (in statistics) at Utkal University, Odisha. She offers courses in Quantitative techniques, Operations research, Research methodology. She is also the Program Director of an online course in Market research and Data analytics. She has fifteen peer reviewed journal publications, one case study and one monograph to her credit. Her consulting areas include fraud analytics, credit score modeling, health fraud etc. Her research interest broadly covers the application of statistics in financial markets especially banking and insurance. In specific the research includes fraud analytics, claim analytics, credit scoring, cross-selling, consumer behavior etc.
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Articles by Sunita Mall
An empirical study on credit risk management: the case of nonbanking financial companies
The aim of this paper is to predict future default behaviors of nonbank financial company customers using credit scores.