Shawkat Hammoudeh
Drexel University
Shawkat Hammoudeh, holds a PhD from the University of Kansas. He specializes in energy economics, commodity markets, and OPEC oil pricing strategies. He has held prominent roles in energy research, including as an Associate Research Scientist at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and as a member of the Arab team developing the OAPEC/ENI Interdependence Model in Rome (1983–1985). He also contributed to projects such as the Euro-Arab Dialogue (1986–1987) and Jordan’s Melody Energy-Economy project with the World Bank (1988–1989). Since joining Drexel University, Dr. Hammoudeh has advanced to the rank of Professor, with research spanning GCC business cycles, energy-environment linkages, and financial risk management in energy and Islamic markets. His work has appeared in top journals, including Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Journal of International Money & Finance, and Journal of Banking & Finance. He serves as Associate Editor of Energy Economics and has edited multiple special issues in refereed journals. Dr. Hammoudeh has authored over 230 peer-reviewed articles and is consistently ranked among the top 10% of economics researchers by SSNR. He collaborates globally with researchers from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, India, and South Korea. A frequent speaker at conferences, he actively organizes and chairs sessions for the Middle East Economics Association (MEEA) and the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Regularly interviewed by international media, Dr. Hammoudeh is a recognized expert on oil markets and commodity dynamics, bringing decades of academic and practical insight into the global energy sector.
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Articles by Shawkat Hammoudeh
Herding behavior in energy commodity futures markets amid turmoil and turmoil-free periods
This paper extends typical research on herding behavior to commodity futures markets, investigating five markets and finding herding behavior during the global financial crisis and at the beginning of the Russia - Ukraine conflict.