Sebastian Rick
Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Sebastian Rick joined the Compliance unit at Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba) at the end of 2021. He has taken on new and important tasks in a newly created cross-divisional function, such as in the further development of the area. Sebastian Rick is an expert in quantitative methods for measuring – and improving – the effectiveness of compliance. He comes from the online bank N26, where he was responsible for the group-wide development of non-financial risk management. For example, he conducted a group-wide project to get N26 approved as a financial holding group – a crucial factor in view of a potential IPO of N26. Previously, Sebastian Rick worked as a consultant at Accenture and KPMG, advising banks and other financial services providers on a wide range of topics, including compliance, anti-financial crime, risk management, and IT. Sebastian Rick is author of more than 45 articles in professional journals, books, and daily newspapers. He is a member of the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM) and the German National Academic Foundation and is a lecturer at one of the leading private business schools in Germany.
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Articles by Sebastian Rick
The Compliance Index: a behavioral approach to compliance risk management in the (post-) Covid-19 era
This paper proposes the Compliance Index - a behavioral measurement system for controlling and monitoring the effectiveness of compliance programs to mitigate compliance risk - designed in response to the shift to remote working during the Covid-19…
Mitigating rogue-trading behavior by means of appropriate, effective operational risk management
This paper discusses the violation of applicable firm guidelines by individuals employed by a bank or financial institution and suggests specific metrics to identify and prevent such behaviour.