Robert Brooks
The University of Alabama
Robert Brooks is the Wallace D. Malone, Jr. Endowed Chair of Financial Management at The University of Alabama (, founding partner of BlueCreek Investment Partners, LLC, a money management firm (merged with Keel Point, LLC in 2014,, and president of Financial Risk Management, LLC, a financial risk management consulting firm ( focused on market risks. Brooks is the author of over 75 articles appearing in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, and others. Further, he is the co-author of An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management (Seventh through Tenth Editions) with Don Chance and has authored several books including Building Financial Risk Management Applications with C++. Brooks has been quoted in several print media, including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, New York Times, and The Bond Buyer. Brooks has also testified in a subcommittee hearing of the U. S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. as well as in a field hearing of the SEC in Birmingham, Alabama. Brooks has consulted with major public utilities, energy companies, auditing firms, corporations, investment bankers, elected municipal officials, and commercial bankers regarding managing financial risks, derivatives valuation and software development. Brooks has testified in several court cases as well as conducts professional development seminars on various aspects of finance.
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Articles by Robert Brooks
An enterprise perspective of performance attribution: introducing the keel model
In this paper, performance attribution is extended to an enterprise level based on the keel model. The keel model introduced here is applied to the problem of attributing enterprise value changes to various risk factors.