Lee Braine
Lee Braine is a Managing Director in the Chief Technology Office at Barclays. He is the Distinguished Engineer for Advanced Technologies and his team drives Barclays technology engagement in distributed ledgers, smart contracts, digital currencies including central bank digital currencies, post-trade industry standards, and quantum and optical computing. He is a member of several industry committees, including the Bank of England’s CBDC Technology Forum and ICMA’s FinTech Advisory Committee, and is a regular conference speaker. Lee holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Science from University College London.
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Articles by Lee Braine
Functional consistency across retail central bank digital currency and commercial bank money
The authors discuss the ‘digital pound’ and how to ensure that retail CBDCs and commercial bank money have common operational characteristics and offer functional consistency.
Illustrative industry architecture to mitigate potential fragmentation across a central bank digital currency and commercial bank money
The authors put forward a means to mitigate the fragmentation risk to payments markets and retail deposits presented by the adoption of CBDCs.
Industry adoption scenarios for authoritative data stores using the International Swaps and Derivatives Association Common Domain Model
In this paper the authors explore opportunities for the post-trade industry to standardize and simplify in order to significantly increase efficiency and reduce costs.