Jie Sun
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Jie Sun is a professor at the School of Accountancy, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. Her research interests include financial distress prediction, credit scoring, and artificial intelligence in accounting and financial management. She has presided over three research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and four research projects of provincial and ministerial level. She has published more than fifty papers, among which, one paper belongs to ESI hot papers and two papers are ESI highly cited, thirty-seven papers are indexed by SSCI/SCI, and eight papers are indexed by EI. Her achievements in research and education work have been honored with four provincial and ministerial awards and more than ten scientific research awards of bureau level. Her published papers have been cited by other researchers more than 600 times in the database of the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) of Web of Science. She was elected into the University Discipline Leading Talents Training Plan of Tianjin city, the first level of Tianjin 131 Innovative Talents Training Project, Five-Star Young Teacher of Zhejiang Province, and Zhijiang Young Social Science Scholar of Zhejiang Province.
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Articles by Jie Sun
Dynamic class-imbalanced financial distress prediction based on case-based reasoning integrated with time weighting and resampling
The authors put forward a dynamic class-imbalanced CBR FDP model which is shown, using data from Chinese listed companies, to outperform static and dynamic CBR FDP models without resampling or time weighting.
Does economic policy uncertainty exacerbate corporate financial distress risk?
This paper adds to the literature on factors driving distress risk and the economic consequences of economic policy uncertainty, and it provides a basis for enterprises to respond to changes in policies.