Eliot Raman Jones
Eliot is a reporter for WatersTechnology. Prior to joining WatersTechnology in 2022, he attended Cardiff University where he graduated with an MA in news journalism, along with a diploma from the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ). You can reach him at eliot.ramanjones@infopro-digital.com or at +44 20 7316 9219.
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Articles by Eliot Raman Jones
Too ’Berg to fail? What October’s Instant Bloomberg outage means for the industry
The ubiquitous communications platform is vital for traders around the globe, especially in fixed income and exotic derivatives. When it fails, the disruption can be great
FRTB data-quality issues persist amid shifting start dates
Even the standardised approach poses tricky market and reference data challenges
AI expert warns of algo-based market manipulation
Regulators must keep pace with new technology that could be used to control financial markets
Quantum computing: a problem for another generation?
Some banks have soured on quantum exploration. Others are playing a game of wait and see.
Behavioural analytics: data trend has asset managers looking inwards
Vanguard and others are building tools that “nudge” investors to make better investment decisions