Constantin Dierstein
Constantin Dierstein is a research associate at the Chair of Energy Economics at TU Dresden since October 2016. This position was preceded by industrial engineering studies in the Bachelor and Master at TU Dresden with the chosen mechanical engineering major energy technology and the economic specialization in the field of energy. In addition to project activities, especially in the field of electricity market and electricity system modeling on a national and international level, Constantin has taken on teaching duties and the education of students at the Chair of Energy Economics since 2018. Current research focuses on the development of neural networks in the context of power plant dispatch forecasts and the systematic analysis of flow-based market coupling effects in Europe as well as associated parameters. This is also the field of activity of the desired dissertation.
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Articles by Constantin Dierstein
Zone-wide prediction of generating unit-specific power outputs for electricity grid congestion forecasts
This paper explores various statistical and statistical learning methods, with the goal of adequately predicting the on/off status and power output levels of all power plants within a control zone.