Colin Nolden
Colin is a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Bristol Law School and the Cabot Institute. Before joining Bristol, Colin worked at Provadis School of International Management and Technology in Frankfurt, the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), University of Sussex, the Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter and the Geography Department, University of Exeter, where he completed his PhD. He received his undergraduate degree in Geography and History from University College Dublin and his postgraduate degree in Sustainable Development at the University of Exeter.
Colin also works as a consultant for Riding Sunbeams and as a non-executive director for Community Energy South. In the past, Colin has worked as a consultant for Climate-KIC, the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the UK Department on Energy and Climate Change and BEKS EnergieEffizienz GmbH. In between, Colin worked as a steelworker and as a mussel farmer.
Colin’s research interests span sustainable energy policy, governance, business models and markets at the intersection of climate change, digital innovations and mobility. He is currently researching community energy, energy system governance, capturing energy demand and carbon emission reductions for de-growth markets and sustainable city business models.
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Articles by Colin Nolden
Transaction cost analysis of digital innovation governance in the UK energy market
The latest online early paper in our special issue on blockchain enabled energy markets