Benedict Roth
Benedict Roth is chief risk officer at Zodia Markets. As a supervisor at the Bank of England, he participated in the 2017 review of repo market functioning conducted by the BIS’s Committee on the Global Financial System.
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Articles by Benedict Roth
How risk managers can stop the FTX infection from spreading
Segregation and transparency can save investors from imploding crypto trading venues
Risk management is not a job for compliance
Credit Suisse losses show why boards require real risk management expertise, says ex-BoE supervisor
Repair the leverage ratio, revive the repo market
Domestic currency government bonds and repo should be exempted, suggests former supervisor
Pricing collateralised lending risk
Borrower risk and collateral risk can easily be modelled together, with surprising results, argues Benedict Roth
Invisible risks
Op risk managers can expose yesterday’s loss and today’s weakness, but they cannot quantify the risk of tomorrow, says Benedict Roth of Rabobank International