Ashish Dev
Ashish Dev is a Principal Economist at the Federal Reserve Board. Ashish was previously at JPMorgan Chase. Prior to joining JPMC, he was practice leader at niche consulting firm Promontory Financial in its New York office. His involvement with Risk Magazine started from the days when he was Executive Vice President, enterprise risk management at KeyCorp. Previous to KeyCorp, Ashish was senior Vice President in finance/treasury at Bank One. Ashish was also a member of the IIF working group on operational risk (WGOR) which was instrumental in developing the fundamental framework for capital for operational risk that become the predominant approach in the industry for purposes of Basel II Advanced Measurement Approaches (AMA). In 2009, Ashish was awarded one of the “top faces of operational risk” for making the operational risk discipline what it is today.
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Book contributions by Ashish Dev
Economic Capital
Edited by Ashish Dev