Alexander Müller
Deutsche Bundesbank
Alexander Müller works as principal expert and as deputy head of the section Payment System Analysis in the Deutsche Bundesbank’s division responsible for Strategy, Policy and Oversight in Payments and Securities Settlement. His responsibilities and current research activities focus on quantitative and qualitative analysis of financial market infrastructures and the analysis of data derived from payment systems. He has published on collateral management, liquidity risk and money market data. He is also involved in ESCB (European System of Central Banks) cooperation through different working groups and temporarily joined the ECB (European Central Bank) as Financial Market Infrastructure Expert. He studied economics and political science in Freiburg (Germany) and Lille (France), graduating with a diploma in economics and a master's degree in political science.
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Articles by Alexander Müller
Measure twice before you cut: differences in Furfine-type algorithm implementations
This study focuses on the practical implementation aspects of “Furfine-type” algorithms used to identify money market loans from payments data.
Mobilization of collateral in Germany as a reflection of monetary policy and financial market developments
This paper describes and analyzes developments in the market value of marketable assets submitted as collateral in Germany and the Eurosystem against the backdrop of the financial market crisis.
Analysis of the use and impact of limits
In this paper, we analyze the use and impact of limits in TARGET2. Limits in the form of bilateral or multilateral debit limits are a liquidity management feature in TARGET2.