Evangelos Benos
Bank of England
Evangelos is a research economist in the Markets Infrastructure Directorate. His work spans a range of topics related to market structure such as OTC derivatives and securities markets, high frequency trading and payment systems. Evangelos did a PhD in economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at various universities in the US and Europe.
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Articles by Evangelos Benos
FMIC 2 special issue introduction: a policy view on developments in the field of financial market infrastructures
This introductory article positions these papers and speeches within the context of the wider conference proceedings of the Financial Market Infrastructure Conference II: New Thinking in a New Era, including insights from the panel sessions and…
The impact of de-tiering in the United Kingdom’s large-value payment system
The authors conduct a head-to-head comparison of central and bilateral clearing to evaluate the impact of market structure on market stability.
Managing market liquidity risk in central counterparties
This paper discusses the different approaches to incorporating market liquidity risk within a CCP’s default waterfall and the challenges that these approaches pose.