Paul Kupiec
Paul H. Kupiec - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Paul Kupiec is Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Center of Financial Research and an Associate Director in the FDIC's Division of Insurance and Research where he manages financial economists that support the FDIC by providing technical support for regulatory policy development and assisting the FDIC banking supervision function in its examination of bank risk measurement and other advanced statistical and financial models.
His current research interests focus on risk measurement and management, capital allocation models, the management and regulation of financial institutions, systemic risk measurement, deposit insurance, the relationship between financial sector stability and macroeconomic growth, financial sector stress testing, the design of macro prudential policies and selected topics in derivatives and securities pricing. Prior to the FDIC, Mr. Kupiec held research positions at the International Monetary Fund, Freddie Mac, J.P. Morgan, the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank for International Settlements and North Carolina State University where he was an assistant professor of finance. He has served as a consultant on financial market issues for the OECD and serves as an IMF technical expert on banking, stress testing, and financial stability issues. Mr. Kupiec earned a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He currently serves as an editor of the Journal of Financial Services Research, and as an associate editor for the Journal of Risk and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions.
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