Copyright and Permissions
Copyright and Permissions Policy
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.
All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher, and authors will be required to sign a contributor agreement upon acceptance of their paper.
Authors are permitted the following uses without obtaining specific permission from Incisive Risk Information Limited:
- To self-archive the final version of the paper in an institutional or employer repository subject to a 12-month embargo period.
- To include the paper in teaching or training duties at the author's institution/place of employment, including in course packs, e-reserves, presentation at professional conferences, in-house training, or distance learning. The paper may not be used in seminars outside of normal teaching obligations. Electronic posting of the final published version in connection with teaching/training at the author's institution/place of employment is permitted subject to the implementation of reasonable access controls, such as user name and password.
- To make oral presentations based on the paper.
- Re-use figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and selected text up to 250 words from the paper, provided the following conditions are met:
- Full and accurate credit must be given to the paper.
- Modifications to the figures, tables and data must be noted. Otherwise, no changes may be made.
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All other reuse rights require permission from the publisher. Requests should be sent to: