Ariane Chapelle
Ariane Chapelle - University College London
Dr. Chapelle is Honorary Reader at the University College London for the course "Operational Risk Measurement in the Financial Services" in the department of Computer Science. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Operational Risk for which she has chaired the Sound Practice Guidance Committee from 2013 to 2016. She holds a PhD in Economics and Masters in Finance and Econometrics for the University of Brussels (ULB). Ariane Chapelle is a professional trainer and independent advisor with over 20 years' experience in teaching academic and executive audiences. She has been active in operational risk since 2000, with business experience acquired in managerial functions in Internal Audit and Risk Management in ING Group and Lloyds Banking. Ariane Chapelle has run her own training and consulting practice in risk management since 2006, with clients made of top tier financial organisations and training organisations. She is a also columnist for the Operational Risk magazine.