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Data and risk strategies to hedge against future black swan events

In the second part of this risk technology, data strategy and innovation audiocast series sponsored by FactSet, Zoi Fletcher talks to Andrew Chin, chief risk officer at AllianceBernstein, and Sean Deutsch, director of risk strategy at FactSet, about how data and risk strategies have evolved as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nobody could have foreseen the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our lives, economies and markets. But could the lessons learned better prepare risk managers for hedging against future black swan events? This series of three short audiocasts gathers insights from risk managers on how Covid-19 has changed how they consider risk technology, data and risk strategies, and stress-testing.

Topics covered in this audiocast:

0:42 – New or alternative types of data that have been the most critical to asset managers in navigating the pandemic

3:11 – The trend in firms expanding datasets to cover non-financial risks

4:49 – Data and risk strategies to achieve tactical nimbleness and manage possible asset allocation disruptions

10:31 – How asset managers and owners are using centralised data management platforms and natural language processing as part of data and risk strategies

16:06 – How firms are using collaboration between risk oversight and investment teams in a more holistic approach to risk management


This audiocast was recorded on June 2, 2021