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Disruptive change in US power markets: Identifying risks and embracing opportunities in the new world of digital

The panel

  • Markus Seiser, Chief operating officer, Energy, Global financial services, FIS
  • Tuncay Pekin, Managing director, Strategy and risk management, AES Corporation
  • Glen Mackey, Chief risk officer, NRG Energy
  • Anthony Yuen, Head of energy strategy, Commodities strategy, Citi
  • Moderator: Stella Farrington, Senior writer, Commodities, Risk.net

Power markets worldwide are experiencing disruptive changes on a bigger scale and with greater speed than many had anticipated. Now, more than ever, it is essential to understand opportunities and risks associated with these changes.

From infrastructure security to the changing behaviour of energy consumers, the rise of new technology will create many challenges for power market players. Industry experts identify new risks and opportunities facing power market participants and how firms can better navigate the digital transition.

Key topics discussed include:

  • Ensuring cyber security in an increasingly digitalised infrastructure 
  • Emerging technologies such as blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • How technology is impacting customer-generated energy, and its impact on the wider market
  • How organisations can take full advantage of the cloud
  • How energy companies are reinventing themselves to keep up with industry disrupters