Practitioners must take risk measures with a pinch of salt

While useful, it is possible to rely too heavily on conventional risk measures such as volatility and value-at-risk – a point made recently by billionaire US investor Warren Buffett. Every aspiring practitioner should know about their drawbacks, writes energy market veteran Vincent Kaminski

Vincent Kaminski
Vincent Kaminski

Warren Buffett, the chairman and chief executive of Omaha-based conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway, writes annual letters to his shareholders every year. Those letters are widely read not only by investors in his company, but also by people looking for hints on their investment strategy and gems of wit and wisdom that are seldom found in official corporate missives. This is what caught my attention this year:1

"Over the long term... currency-denominated instruments are riskier investments – far ris

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Chartis Energy50 2023

The latest iteration of Chartis' Energy50 2023 ranking and report considers the key issues in today’s energy space, and assesses the vendors operating within it

2021 brings big changes to the carbon market landscape

ZE PowerGroup Inc. explores how newly launched emissions trading systems, recently established task forces, upcoming initiatives and the new US President, Joe Biden, and his administration can further the drive towards tackling the climate crisis